NUDIBRANCHS The word "nudibranch" comes from the Latin nudus, naked, and the Greek brankhia, gills. Nudibranchs are often casually called "sea slugs", but many sea slugs belong to several taxonomic groups which are not closely related to nudibranchs. A number of these other sea slugs (such as the colorful Aglajidae) are often confused with nudibranchs. Nudibranchs occur in seas worldwide. It live at virtually all depths of salt water, but reach their greatest size and variation in warm, shallow waters. The body forms of nudibranchs vary a great deal, but because they are opisthobranchs, unlike most other gastropods they are bilaterally symmetrical both externally and internally because they have undergone secondary detorsion. They lack a mantle cavity. Some species have venomous appendages (cerata) on their sides which are used to deter predators. Many also have a simple gut and a mouth with a radula. Their eyes are simple and able to discern little more than light and dark. The eyes are set into the body, are about a quarter of a millimeter in diameter, and consist of a lens and five photoreceptors. |
Oscellated octopus "MOTOTI"Rudman's phyllodesmiumJakobsen's phyllodesmiumEmperor shrimpColeman shrimpSkeleton shrimpBobtail squidGhostpipe fishSeahorsesSaw-blade shrimpFlamboyant cuttlefishPygmy seahorseMarble shrimpSquat lobsterNudibranchsNudibranchs 2Electric scallop